Sunday, May 28, 2017

Assignment Nine: Final Course Reflection

Assignment Nine: Final Course Reflection

Take a look at the last section in Regie's text, Writing Essentials, it's chock full of great resources!!!

Teaching in Action: Lesson Essentials 5 Day Lesson Plans & Appendices

• Secrets of Second Graders• Heart Poems• Procedural writing• Hero writing• Persuasive writing• Appendix survey 

Be sure to look through this section. If you haven’t already done so, look at Appendix A (page A-2.) Re-examine your beliefs about writing by re-reading the statements about the writing process and marking true or false in your book. Did you change any of your previous answers? Would you consider bringing this page to your team or even to your entire school to jump-start discussions about writing? Take some time to look through the appendices. There are several useful examples included. One we’d like to point out to you is Appendix L- The Genre Characteristics Excerpt on page A-13. Look to the Writing Essentials companion website at for the entire chart as well as directions to assist you playing the DVD.

ASSIGNMENT NINE: Final Course Reflection - Critically examine your current literacy program and develop realistic goals to improve your instruction. Also reflect on the balance between your home and school life. If our students are to become happy, literate people, they need happy, balanced teachers. BRIEFLY, share several of your goals with the class by posting them to the blog for this final assignment.

Thanks for taking our course!!!! Mary & Jackie!


  1. Darn it! I just deleted all I posted by hitting the "sign out" button.

    Final Course Reflection - Critically examine your current literacy program and develop realistic goals to improve your instruction. Also reflect on the balance between your home and school life. If our students are to become happy, literate people, they need happy, balanced teachers. BRIEFLY, share several of your goals with the class by posting them to the blog for this final assignment.

    To repeat... lol...
    I had began to tell you how this year has been hard with no curriculum for reading or writing, but I have learned a lot. I also shared that when I went back over my "Agree or Disagree" list there were not many I changed. That gave me a boost of confidence. As for a list of goals for next year I included:
    1) Helping my students to be better self assessors. Edit their own writing. And assess their growth.
    2) Improve my conference skills. Help them to be more independent. And also do more publishing!
    3) Do away with worksheets! I never liked them but would find myself using them every once in a while. Even though I would find the same result. They would rarely cross transfer the skill into their writing.
    4) Get my team to do more professional development!!!!!
    On the lines of balancing work and school, that is something I really need to work on. I am a single mother and work early in the morning, late afternoons, squeeze just enough time to feed my kiddo, and then get back to doing work from home. Weekends are crammed with work too. I definitely need to eliminate a lot and prioritize! I feel my work takes way to much time away from my small family. Next years number one goal!!!
    Thank you for this course! I wish I had not deleted my initial post. I believe I put way more into the first copy. This course has helped a lot and I plan on keeping this text on my bookshelf to look back on next year. Thank you!

  2. Oh no, that's awful and has happened to us plenty of times. :(


    Yeah, it's good to be validated and that our methods and thoughts are what "experts" also believe. :)

    OH GOOD! Yes, one of the reasons we love Regie is that she not only believe, but encourages teachers to have a life outside of school. For this coming year, consider all the work you are doing at home and late into the evening. Is it really making your students stronger more joyous learners? Can you pare down the assignments- either the length or number of problems? Can you cut down on the days you assign? Think about what is going to make you a more joyful teacher and mom! An excellent goal to ponder as we head into summer!

    Excellent, we are so glad you enjoyed the assignments and text! I'll be emailing you your grade. Thanks for taking our class!
