Saturday, November 9, 2013

Assignment Six: DVD Reflection

ASSIGNMENT SIX: DVD Reflection- Included in your text is a DVD containing video clips of Regie’s conferences with writers in the classroom. There is a detailed commentary accompanying the DVD on page 336 of her text. Please watch the DVD and then look at her teaching notes beginning on page 336 (Regie suggests just watching without notes first so that you don’t miss what she and the students are doing.) After both watching and reading her notes, write your reflection and please post a copy of your DVD Reflection to the blog.

*NOTE: If you experience problems playing the DVD please refer to the Writing Essentials companion website at for directions for playing the DVD. Look in the upper right hand corner for the link.


  1. After watching the dvd I can really see the power of conducting whole class conferences. They were really powerful for the student, but had learning that benefited the whole class as well. I loved how one of the purposes of these conferences was to spread the joy of writing. In some of these conferences spreading joy was the point. One of the things that made the writing joyful was the use of comedy. Regie not only used this for joy, but also talked about how this made the writing better for the reader/listeners.

    It was nice to see a variety of conferences, especially with reluctant writers. In some of these conferences Regie was able to teach the student who was struggling in front of the class while still celebrating successes. The student probably didn't feel singled out or embarrassed, and much learning occurred.

    I struggle with how to teach whole class spelling in a meaningful way that is whole to part. I really liked seeing the spelling conference and the way that Regie focused on the student, but brought the whole class into the work. I think it would be really powerful to have the students practicing writing some of the patterned words along with the student in front. This gave me some good ideas that I can take back into my classroom. Regie really upped the expectations for spelling. It felt a little painful and drawn out, but it is ok for students to struggle and see that the teacher isn't letting them off the hook or giving up on them.

  2. Assignment six

    I really enjoyed watching the conferences in front of the classroom. Watching the students smile and to see the pride on their faces made me smile. The class was really engaged in the discussions and she pulled great information out of the students. I would love to know how many students went back and added sound effects to their poems.
    Helping the kids add to their writing and writing it down for them was very helpful. I use the sticky notes constantly. Regie shows how the notes can quickly help them with their spelling and just to help them remember what they said.
    It was a good strategy to have the class listen to the editing process. Crossing out information that wasn’t needed and the student not feeling, “put on the spot.” She did such a good job of getting the information out of the students and not letting them go on and on. She reminded them of their audience and not boring the reader. It was so helpful having the audience in front of them. They were right there laughing when something was funny. It allowed the student to feel comfortable and you know they will walk away continuing to want to write.
    The spelling lesson was interesting to watch. It was a great idea to make a deal with the child that he could never spell that word wrong again. Teaching them rules to help them with their spelling is great. It showed how sometimes we think a correction will be simple and quick, but it turns out to be an entire lesson.

  3. In reading chapter 9 I enjoyed learning how I can improve and make my conferences more purposefully, but viewing conferences in action made me get even more excited! The more I think about it and after viewing whole class conferences, I don’t think whole class conferences will be useful for the group of students I have now for writing. I think one on one conferences will be more useful, though when students work on larger pieces of work, I do think whole class conferences could be useful to help celebrate student work.

    In the conferences I saw a lot of encouragement and reinforcement. Students were able to sit in the teachers chair; as they should for the hard work they’ve done. Students read their own writing when time allotted for it. Student work was shown to the group during the second read. Student work was looked at as a whole piece, not small parts.

    I really enjoyed the one on one conference as that is what most of my students need because that is where they are at. I really enjoyed the example of helping the student figure out the story, along with the whole class conference where the same thing occur. My students have a difficult time figuring out their story. I need to ask more questions to help guide them and to figure out what they are trying to say. Sequencing is also a frequent challenge. Asking questions will also help guide them to put it in order. When asking questions and adding in things, I see the importance of keeping the students language while in writing mode as to not denture them from the process of writing. I also really liked how students were given the ideas they came up with on a sticky note so that they could go back and add to their writing on their own. I do this with white boards a lot, but I need to remember to stick to student language because I think sometimes I change it in the moment.

  4. Hi Everyone!
    So glad you enjoyed watching Regie in action. I know I enjoy it also. Yes, the spelling conference was a little drawn out, but it's also good to see that Regie is real, just like we are!
