Monday, November 21, 2011

Assignment Six: DVD Reflection

ASSIGNMENT SIX: DVD Reflection- Included in your text is a DVD containing video clips of Regie’s conferences with writers in the classroom. There is a detailed commentary accompanying the DVD on page 336 of her text. Please watch the DVD and then look at her teaching notes beginning on page 336 (Regie suggests just watching without notes first so that you don’t miss what she and the students are doing.) After both watching and reading her notes, write your reflection and please post a copy of your DVD Reflection to the blog.

*NOTE: If you experience problems playing the DVD please refer to the Writing Essentials companion website at for directions for playing the DVD. Look in the upper right hand corner for the link.


  1. I found it really beneficial to see Regie working with the students on the DVD. After reading about sharing and conferencing with students it was nice to watch her in action during each of these. I was also amazed at how many teaching points she covers as I was looking at her lesson notes. The conversations and sharing were so positive for the students, yet Regie guided them in ways that will keep improving their writing.

    I always find it helpful to see teachers in action and can always take something away to use in my own classroom. I really want to take Regie’s suggestion and focus on the “Celebration of Writing” in my classroom. I liked how the students were sharing from the front of the classroom, with the teacher at their side, and how it could benefit the whole class with the teaching that was going on during the sharing. I also liked watching the conference that focused on spelling, it gave me some ideas and phrases to use in my own classroom; “Now you can never spell that word wrong again,” “What do you know about those sounds,” “Write it another way to see which way looks right.”

  2. In grad school our teacher had us video tape ourselves teach a lesson and reflect back on it. I found it very interesting to watch. At times it was difficult, but it did help me improve my teaching techniques. I found watching these video clips as a way to connect the text with real life teaching. When you are able to watch the strategies with children rather than just techniques in a book, it helps me visualize how I could adapt it to my classroom.

  3. I (Mary) also benefit from watching strategies being implemented rather than just reading about them. We're glad you found this assignment useful.
